Interactive Album of Mediaeval Palaeography
Collection of Transcription Exercises on Mediaeval Documents

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Marjorie Burghart (coordinator of the album)

Research fellow (CNRS), head of the Digital Humanities transversal programme of the CIHAM (UMR 5648).
Coordination of the album, creation of transcription exercises, as well as XML/TEI encoding and development of the website.
See the exercises by this author

M. Brunel and Mrs. Nielen

Conservateurs at the French Archives Nationales, M. Brunel and Mrs. Nielen have contributed several exercises based on documents kept at the Archives Nationales.
See the exercises by these authors

Lahcen Daaïf

Lahcen Daaïf is an islamologist working as a Research Officer (University of Lyon 2) at the CIHAM research centre (UMR 5648. He is contributing exercises in Arabic to the Album.
See the exercise by this author

Germain Hausman

Germain Hausman wrote a dossier published on the website of the Fondation des Archives historiques de l'Abbaye de Saint-Maurice, of which the "transcription" has been used to create an exercise in this album, by kind permission of the librarian and archivist of the Saint-Maurice Abbey.
See the exercise by this author

Gaël Maraquin

Gaël Maraquin is a PhD student at Université Lyon 2. He is preparing a dissertation on "Hopitaux, réseau hospitalier et politique de santé à Macon (XIII-XVIè siècle)" (dir. Jean-Louis Gaulin).
See the exercise by this author

Laurence Moulinier

Professor of Mediaeval History, University of Lyon 2.
See the exercises by this author

Shinya Mukai

Shinya Mukai est docteur en Histoire. Il a soutenu sa thèse : Sérignan et Vendres, deux villages biterrois face à la guerre dans la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle. Etude du gouvernement villageois au bas Moyen Age, thèse de doctorat, Université Toulouse 2, 2017.
See the exercise by this author

Gottfried Partsch

Gottfried Partsch wrote with Jean-Marie Theurillat a dossier published on the website of the Fondation des Archives historiques de l'Abbaye de Saint-Maurice, of which the "transcription" has been used to create an exercise in this album, by kind permission of the librarian and archivist of the Saint-Maurice Abbey.
See the exercise by this author

Jean-Marie Theurillat

Jean-Marie Theurillat wrote with Gottfried Partsch a dossier published on the website of the Fondation des Archives historiques de l'Abbaye de Saint-Maurice, of which the "transcription" has been used to create an exercise in this album, by kind permission of the librarian and archivist of the Saint-Maurice Abbey.
See the exercise by this author

Album interactif de paléographie médiévale
Site pédagogique pratique proposé par l'axe transversal Digital Humanities (Humanités Numériques) de l'
UMR 5648 - Histoire, Archéologie, Littératures des Mondes Chrétiens et Musulmans Médiévaux